Residential Solar Design Services

Transforming Homes with Cutting-Edge Residential Solar Design

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Solar Design Services
residential solar system design

Residential Solar PV Design

residential solar system designresidential solar system design

Navigating the landscape of residential solar installations can be daunting. From complex permitting processes to design intricacies, solar installers and contractors face numerous challenges.

At Illumine-i, we excel in designing efficient, code-compliant solar systems, overcoming obstacles, and exceeding expectations.

Our Approach

Deep Technical Proficiency: With a comprehensive understanding of local regulations, site constraints, and system specifications, our experienced team specializes in optimizing system sizing, addressing shading concerns, and ensuring seamless integration with existing electrical systems.

Cutting-Edge Technology Integration: At Illumine-i, we stay at the forefront of solar advancements, empowering our clients with the latest solutions in solar panel technology, mounting solutions, and energy storage. By continuously researching and implementing cutting-edge technologies, we provide tailored designs that not only meet but exceed evolving client needs.

Aesthetically Driven: We recognize the significance of aesthetics in residential solar installations. Collaborating closely with installers and contractors, we place great emphasis on the seamless integration of solar systems with architectural design. Our designs not only meet energy goals but also enhance the overall aesthetics of the residence.


Our residential solar design services encompass a comprehensive range of features that ensure the success of your solar installation project. With meticulous attention to detail and expertise in solar engineering, we provide the following key features, along with all the necessary components for obtaining an approved permit:

  • Schematic line drawings
  • Two-dimensional layout drawings
  • Site installation drawings
  • Roof or ground mounting schematics
  • Voltage calculation
  • OCPD/Interconnection calculation
  • And all that is necessary for an approved permit
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These features form the foundation of our comprehensive residential solar design services, equipping you with the precise plans and documentation required for a seamless and efficient installation process.

Residential Solar Design Offerings

Our typical residential solar permit plan set goes above and beyond to provide you with a comprehensive package of essential elements that form the blueprint for your successful residential solar installation.

Take advantage of the following components meticulously crafted by our expert team:

  • A comprehensive cover sheet that sets the stage for your solar project.
  • A detailed site plan that captures every aspect of your property, ensuring optimal panel placement.
  • A roof layout specifically designed to achieve precise solar panel positioning, maximizing energy capture.
  • An electrical plan meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate your solar system with your existing electrical infrastructure.
  • A Single Line Diagram (SLD) that visually illustrates the electrical connections, providing a clear overview of your solar setup.
  • A Three Line Diagram (TLD) that highlights the key system components, empowering you with a comprehensive understanding of your solar installation.
  • Labels & Datasheets (SpecSheets) meticulously prepared to ensure accurate identification and information about each solar component.
  • A stringing configuration plan (If required) optimized for your specific project, ensuring the most efficient arrangement of your solar panels.

These elements come together in our comprehensive solar permit plan set, ensuring compliance with state, local, and utility requirements while providing you with a solid foundation for a successful residential solar installation.

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Residential PV Design Services

System Sizing and Production Estimates

  • Preliminary Solar Assessment and Specific Production Estimation

Equipment Selection

  • Inverter/Module recommendation and BOS selection

Solar Layout

  • Efficient and aesthetic PV Array layout


  • Dead Load Calculations
  • Solar Structure Attachment and Anchoring Details
  • Review of existing structure to support solar
  • Structural Review (in US only)


  • Wire and Conduit Sizing
  • Electrical Site Plan
  • Electrical Line Diagram
  • Warning Labels and Placards
  • Electrical Review (in US only)

Explore Engineering Services

Solar Permit Services
Commercial Solar Services
Solar Permit Services
Utility Scale Solar Services
Solar Permit Services
EV Charging Station Services

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the turnaround time for residential solar design services?

The planset will be finalized within a 24-hour period. Upon client approval, the stamping process will follow and be completed within the subsequent 24 hours.

2. Are you familiar with electrical and structural reviews for all 50 states?

Absolutely! Our expertise covers electrical and structural reviews in all 50 states, including knowledge of the various Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) in each state.

3. Can you provide permit plans for EV charging stations, Carports, Powerwall batteries, etc.?

Certainly! Illumine-i is well-versed in designing permit plans for a variety of projects, including EV charging stations, Carports, Powerwall batteries, and more. Our expertise covers both residential and commercial applications.

4. Do you carry any Insurance?

Absolutely! Illumine-i carries professional liability insurance for errors and omissions with coverage up to USD 2,000,000. To date, we have not encountered any claims under this policy.

5. How do you differ from others?

At Illumine-i, we stand out with our personalized approach, industry expertise, and commitment to delivering innovative and cost-effective solar designs tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team ensures exceptional service and attention to detail, setting us apart from the rest.

6. Would you be able to do site visits?

For large commercial and utility-scale projects in the state of California, we offer site visits if needed. However, for other projects, we don't conduct site visits. For residential projects, we can provide you with contacts who can assist with site visits.

7. What do I need to do to get started?

To initiate the process, we begin by signing a service agreement. Following this, you will receive an input checklist that needs to be filled out. This checklist provides us with essential information required for designing permit plans and providing project-specific electrical and structural stamps.

8. When is the payment due for your services?

Payment is typically due within 30 days from the receipt of the invoice. However, we are open to making case-by-case adjustments based on specific situations.

9. What payment methods do you accept for your services?

For your convenience, we accept multiple payment methods, including Credit Card, Debit Card, Wire Transfer, and Online Cash Transfer.

10. Do you fill up interconnection applications, do permit runs?

While we typically do not handle interconnection applications, we can provide this service at an additional cost. Permit runs are also not part of our standard offerings, but we can assist you with them as needed.

11. Would you be able to help with the installation?

As a design and engineering firm, we do not have installation crews. However, we can connect you with qualified subcontractors in your area if available.