Build your future with us! Literally!!

At Illumine-i, we are in the business of devising sustainable solutions across industries, for a better tomorrow. We are on a path that breeds opportunities to challenge traditional assumptions about societies and businesses. Our squad comprises of critical-thinking and problem-solving engineers from different fields, who work together to build viable alternatives for the unmanageable, conventional conveniences. With us, you must question, you must collaborate and, in that process, you will discover yourself learning and leading change! Live your fullest, as an engineer, at Illumine-i where we empower people and businesses to recognize the better choice today.

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Our Community Blueprint

We appreciate that a 9-to-5 brings in a certain kind of structure that many may crave. However, we are in the business of driving impact, and breakthroughs cannot be scheduled. In fact, let’s just put it straight out there: incurious yes-men don’t last long here.

Our community is based on the foundations of integrity, intimacy and innovation. Ideas can crop up from anywhere but it is the commitment of our people to collaborate and work across their departmental divisions, which advances a concept into completion. So, you see, we simply cannot offer monotony, but here is what we can promise you in our community:

Learning and Development

“Tell me and I’ll forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. Now, we may not be able to tell if Benjamin Franklin did in fact utter these words, but they do explain how you will experience our culture. At Illumine-i, from tuition reimbursement to industry conferences, you can leverage diverse learning opportunities for career progression as well as personal development.

Feedback is Fuel

Sometimes, you are met with success, and then there will be times when you get schooled. The latter sure doesn’t sound fun, but it does a better job at propelling your growth. We have a quarterly evaluation system in place, where our geeks discover the strengths they can employ and identify the blind-spots that have obstructing their progress..

Health is Wealth

A dated saying but how true do these words ring! We are nothing without our people. Apart from conducting in-house wellness programs, our geeks receive support through our health insurance scheme.


Appreciation delayed is appreciation denied! In addition to establishing an upright compensation system, we ensure timely promotions for meritorious talents.


Deadlines are not dictated here, but directed by the squad themselves. Each team owns a set of deliverables, and they decide how best these can to be actioned to benefit our clients. We are big on innovation and support our geeks who may want to work on product ideas or execute business proposals. In short, at Illumine-i, you could be potentially filing co-patents for your ideas!

Our Squad is Our Community

We take great pride in welcoming new geeks into our space. We celebrate inclusivity and open dialogues. Do not shy away from reaching out to us if just because you’re a novice. With our team of experts from different fields; you cannot remain a noob for long. More importantly, at Illumine-i, you will find a helping hand anytime you seek it.

Human Before Resource

Fulfilment is all about keeping the balance. It is why Emily’s leave application for another solo-trip gets as much importance as John’s, who wants to spend a long weekend with his partner and kids. Our geeks come from different walks of life and we make sure each of them feels appreciated and supported. To this end, we have instituted a transparent leave management system.

Our Hiring Process

Our hiring process is not merely a question of team additions, it is an extension of our culture. Whether you have applied for a position directly on the website or through employment platforms, ensure that your resume is updated. Our Geek Discovery team take a deep dive into these sheets, so you would want to showcase experiences which are relevant to the job description. The more specifics you provide about your past projects, the better!

The recruitment process might vary from role to role, but in general this is how we assess candidate:

  • Conversational Interview
    As the name suggests, at the beginning stage, we have general session where the questions revolve around your professional background and your expectations at the time of application. You can take opportunities to explain your past work and why you decided to apply. This is a good time to raise any concerns you may have about the role, the responsibilities it entails, and our culture.
  • Group Discussion
    Before we move onto the technical sessions, we have candidates discuss and debate a common topics. There will be a Geek resource spokesperson, usually along with hiring manager and a peer on the team.
  • Aptitude Test
    We do see those nervous smiles when candidates like you sit down to take the test. Please know that this is just another standard testing format in interviews. Here, we assess basic mathematical ability, logical thinking and verbal reasoning through multiple choice questions. You’ve got this!
  • Technical Interview
    At this stage,  a team manager will be interviewing you to gauge the depth of your technical expertise.
  • Final Interview
    Finally, you have a one-on-one with our Senior Leadership. We have a flat hierarchy at Illumine-i, and it is common for one of our Directors or even our CEO to reach out to you to discuss an upcoming project with you, perhaps because of your background knowledge or because you displayed keen interest in the subject matter. A call from the so-called the “Boss” is no reason to fret, and to build this understanding, we ensure all candidates go through this process.
Check out Careers

Learning & Development

“Tell me and I’ll forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. Now, we may not be able to tell if Benjamin Franklin did in fact utter these words, but they do explain how you will experience our culture. At Illumine-i, from tuition reimbursement to industry conferences, you can leverage diverse learning opportunities for career progression as well as personal development.

Feedback is Fuel

Sometimes, you are met with success, and then there will be times when you get schooled. The latter sure doesn’t sound fun, but it does a better job at propelling your growth. We have a quarterly evaluation system in place, where our geeks discover the strengths they can employ and identify the blind-spots that have obstructing their progress..

Health is Wealth

A dated saying but how true do these words ring! We are nothing without our people. Apart from conducting in-house wellness programs, our geeks receive support through our health insurance scheme.


Appreciation delayed is appreciation denied! In addition to establishing an upright compensation system, we ensure timely promotions for meritorious talents.


Deadlines are not dictated here, but directed by the squad themselves. Each team owns a set of deliverables, and they decide how best these can to be actioned to benefit our clients. We are big on innovation and support our geeks who may want to work on product ideas or execute business proposals. In short, at Illumine-i, you could be potentially filing co-patents for your ideas!

Our Squad is Our Community

We take great pride in welcoming new geeks into our space. We celebrate inclusivity and open dialogues.  Do not shy away from reaching out to us if just because you’re a novice. With our team of experts from different fields; you cannot remain a noob for long. More importantly, at Illumine-i, you will find a helping hand anytime you seek it.

Human Before Resource

Fulfilment is all about keeping the balance. It is why Emily’s leave application for another solo-trip gets as much importance as John’s, who wants to spend a long weekend with his partner and kids. Our geeks come from different walks of life and we make sure each of them feels appreciated and supported. To this end, we have instituted a transparent leave management system.